Facts About Frozen Pipes

Why are frozen pipes cause for concern? 

When the temperatures plummet, one major home issue that can arise is a frozen water pipe. Or worse – multiple frozen pipes! If you want to know more about why these issues are such cause for concern, keep reading.

They Block running water 

Frozen pipes are mostly a problem because they prevent water flow and restrict access to running water. This can be especially dangerous if a winter storm warning is issued and homeowners need to remain inside for safety. Having access to fresh, running water for drinking, cleaning, and bathing is incredibly important. 


Frozen pipes can become damaging if they burst. Once the water in the pipe freezes, pressure quickly builds up between the closed faucet and the frozen blockage. This can advance to a point that causes the pipe to explode. When this happens, it can cause potential flooding within your home that can lead to expensive repairs. 

Pipes that are vulnerable to freezing 

There are a few variables that determine whether or not your home is vulnerable to frozen pipes this winter.

Homes In Warmer Climates  

Many people assume that frozen pipes are only a concern for people who live in cold climates. This is not true. The homes that are most vulnerable to frozen pipes are those found in warmer climates, like Ohio. The pipes within these homes usually aren’t well insulated for frigid temperatures.  

Exterior Walls 

Pipes along the exterior walls of your home may be more susceptible to freezing. They might not have enough insulation protecting them from outside temperatures. 

Basements and Attics 

Pipes in attics and basements are also more likely to freeze. These locations typically don’t get the same amount of heat as the rest of the home. Basements and attics tend to lack proper insulation because they simply weren’t designed to be living spaces.   

If you discover a frozen pipe, it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent costly and irreversible property damage. Trust the experts at A-Abel for professional plumbing in Dayton, Ohio. Our licensed plumbers can safely and efficiently thaw your pipes. Contact us today to schedule service and protect your home from winter pipe troubles